Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Keeping Media Conventions

To look back on my project and criticise it. I would say that the regular conventions of a music video are kept, with a video playing and the audio track layered above it. One convention I may have not kept the same is the way there is no band playing in the video, it is purely one subject.

These conventions make these media products very successful. I used fast pace action to go on with a fast paced music track and I kept the trend of rock videos not always having a solid plot.

The aimed audience is not only for people who would view the video, but for people who would listen to the music. So I aimed it at early teens through to mid 20's. I did this by playing safe and not actually giving any characters personality, that way the characters are only objects emphasising the music.

If televisions were to show the video, it would be played on MTV rocks or Kerrang! because those are the channels that show this kind of music. I attracted this audience by making the video very easy to follow and having easy listening mainstream rock music with no overly technical musical aspects.

Finalising and Audience Feedback

After spending 4 hours putting together my final piece, I went over it again just to work out some of the dodgy bits. After the final piece was done I watched over and I was pleased with the results. I showed it to my parents and they said some of the scenes were a bit long. So i added more cuts in, I see what they meant as then it kept the flow of the video a lot better. Some people said my minor tasks were a bit plain, but I then told them my minimalistic philosophy and they understood.

I also posted my video on youtube for the public to view and comment, this is a great way for my video to be seen, through web 2.0 and the peer to peer viewing sites. I also thought of uploading my video to facebook, but my feedback may be biased as only my friends could comment on it.
