Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Finalising and Audience Feedback

After spending 4 hours putting together my final piece, I went over it again just to work out some of the dodgy bits. After the final piece was done I watched over and I was pleased with the results. I showed it to my parents and they said some of the scenes were a bit long. So i added more cuts in, I see what they meant as then it kept the flow of the video a lot better. Some people said my minor tasks were a bit plain, but I then told them my minimalistic philosophy and they understood.

I also posted my video on youtube for the public to view and comment, this is a great way for my video to be seen, through web 2.0 and the peer to peer viewing sites. I also thought of uploading my video to facebook, but my feedback may be biased as only my friends could comment on it.


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