Friday, April 30, 2010

Main and Ancillary Effectiveness

I believe my products have a sense of brand identity in them. All my products use the same font for the names and stick to the same layout. My DVD advert and DVD cover especially. This is why i was required to resubmit originally, becuase my DVD cover and my DVD advert were pretty much identical, just one black, one white.

I took this to heart when working on my resubmission. My DVD advert was kept the same as I believed it to be very effective, as you would see a DVD advert in a magazine.

Even though it looks very plain I think of it as a teaser trailer for a film, only showing what you need to see. I wasn't sure if I should put down some tour dates but then I thought that this would only be the announcement. Then the viewers would look out for updates on the band wesite on myspace.

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